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Parenting Conference - Foundations of a Godly Home

Join us on July 12-13 at Maranatha Baptist Church for a live-stream of Paul Tripp’s parenting conference – Foundations of a Godly Home. All parents with children of any age are welcome to attend as we seek to learn, grow, and encourage one another. Child care will be provided.

Schedule for the Weekend:

Friday, July 12

5:30 p.m. Dinner - The adults will eat a catered meal from Olive Garden together in the fellowship hall – Please bring a sack lunch for your children to enjoy at the child care program provided or feed them before you come.

6:15 p.m. Session One (45 minutes)

MERCY – One of the biggest errors Christian parents can make is allowing themselves to forget. If you allow yourself to forget the daily mercies you desperately need and generously receive from your Father’s hands, it will become easier for you not to parent your children with mercy.

7:00 p.m. Discussion Break

7:30 p.m. Session Two (45 minutes)

LOST – This concept has the ability to change the way you think about what God has called you to as a parent: you’re not just dealing with your child’s wrong behaviors but their condition. All of the resistance that you face is the fruit of something deeper. If you don’t understand that deeper thing, you will settle for surface victories and surface solutions that don’t really lead to lasting change.

8:15 p.m. Discussion Break

8:45 p.m. Head Home!

Saturday, July 13

9:00 a.m. Coffee & Breakfast for the Adults (La Mie Pastries & Fruit) – A light snack will be provided for your children part way through the morning – please feed them breakfast before you come.

9:30 a.m. Session Three (45 minutes)

FOOLISHNESS – If you don’t understand what the Bible says about foolishness, you won’t fully understand what God has called you to as a parent. Psalm 53:1 – “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” This means that all of your children’s foolishness comes from their heart, so every moment of discipline and correction must be accompanied with heart-focused instruction. 

10:15 a.m. Discussion Break

10:45 a.m. Session Four (45 minutes)

PROCESS – You must be committed to the long-term goal of parenting because change is a process and not an event. Even the world’s best teacher – Jesus – had a process mentality and, because he did, he was willing to leave his work to unfinished people.

11:30 a.m. Discussion Break

Noon – Head Home!

Earlier Event: July 4
4th of July Picnic
Later Event: August 12
Men's Steak & Corn Feed