There are many opinions and perspectives on Jesus. Perhaps you’ve heard them all, or perhaps you’ve never heard anything about Him. We believe God’s perfect Word, the Bible, explains the true identity of Jesus Christ, and we would love to help you connect with Him.
First, we must recognize the problem. It is easy to see. This world is broken. I am broken; you are broken. We are surrounded by evil in the form of disease, destruction, and death. All of this evil is directly opposed to God. So, why is there evil in the world? Because humanity chose to directly oppose God. As Creator, God gave us this world in perfect goodness. As His creatures, we rebelled against His authority by disobeying His good instructions. Sin, evil, and death entered the world, and they infect every single human being. Romans 3:23 says, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” All that awaits each rebel human after death is eternal torment in punishment for our sins. “for the wages of sin is death, but…” Romans 6:23a. You have sinned, I have sinned, and that’s an eternal problem.
However, as our good, loving Creator, God designed a perfect plan to provide salvation from this punishment! Jesus, God the Son, offered himself to take this punishment in our place. And so, God came to earth as a man: Jesus. We celebrate His birth at Christmas. Jesus was uniquely equipped to be our Savior. As a man He was able to live and die for fellow humans. As God He was able to bear the weight of the sins of all humanity on His own shoulders. After living a perfect life, He was crucified and buried. He was the perfect sacrifice to pay for our sins. For three days, Jesus remained dead, in His tomb. On the third day, He rose again from the dead, sealing His victory over sin and death and completing His work for humanity. Living, He ascended to Heaven where He sits on the throne, preparing a home for all to trust in Him as their Savior. “…the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 6:23b.
God provided salvation for humanity through Jesus. And He made this wonderful gift available for each and every person. The Bible is clear. To be saved from the punishment of our sins, we must trust in Jesus Christ to be our Savior. It means recognizing the problem – you are a sinner destined for hell. It means believing that He died for you and rose again. It means choosing Him as your Savior.
When you receive Jesus as your Savior, your sin is placed on His account (paid for when He died for you), and you receive the righteousness of God. You now have a right relationship with God – forgiven and free!
We would love to talk with you more about Jesus and how you can grow to know Him more.