We are often zealous about our own righteousness. This creates problems on the relational level, it is deadly for our souls. Paul explains that Israel's efforts to gain their own righteousness kept them from God's righteousness by faith. While God is sovereign in salvation, we are responsible to believe in Jesus. Our self-righteousness keeps us from submitting to the righteousness of God by faith.
"That's not fair!" I think we’ve said or thought of these words before. God created us with an inherent sense of justice. But with our sinful nature, we develop an oversensitivity to fairness. Paul assumes readers question God's choice to save only some sinners. Paul addresses the question by pointing to God's justice and mercy. His actions are always right. His salvation is always merciful.
"Nothing can separate us from the love of God." Didn't God make promises to save Israel, and yet they rejected Jesus? How do we know God will keep His Word? Romans 9-11 addresses this question to increase our confidence in God's promises and plan for Israel. The gospel does not nullify God's promises to Israel. In fact, it confirms that God always keeps His Word. God's promised salvation is sure!
Fall 2024 Equip Class: The Gospel-Centered Parent
Jesus loves us. Though we learned this about God, we are often tempted to doubt God's love. "Why is He keeping good things from me?" "Why am I suffering so much?" "How could God love me after what I've done?" Life situations tempt us to doubt His love. Paul addresses these questions to restore our confidence in God's love. We are reminded that nothing - not even our doubts - can hinder God's love.
"Why am I facing this trial? The Bible says God is good, but what I'm going through is not good! I'm not sure how to talk to God about the things I'm feeling." What if we lose hope or reach the end of ourselves? Romans has some of the most assuring verses reminding us that our good, sovereign Father guarantees our eternal security. He is doing good in our lives no matter what evils we face.
Fall 2024 Equip Class: Nehemiah
*Sigh* "It's always something." Life is full of sighs and groans. Some of them are light and short, but some of them are heavy and long. In a world full of hurricanes and heartache, disaster and disease, sin and suffering, how do we endure? How do we keep hope? Romans 8:18-25 teaches us to let the groans turn our attention to glory. Through the groans of suffering, hope in the glory to come.
Who are you? Some say roles don't define us as much as what we do. But that leaves us hopeless, stuck with terms like "failure" and "sinner" as our identity! Thankfully, Romans 8 teaches that through salvation, God gives a new identity. He redefines us. We are no longer slaves of sin, but children of God. We no longer walk in the flesh but in the Spirit. We have God's Spirit - it's who we are.